I’m so happy we’ve crossed paths! This hasn’t been by accident! I truly believe that God has destined for you to be reading these words, right here… right now.
This means you’re being called to discover your true purpose for your life, step into who you were meant to be, and begin your journey to living limitless. I’m honored to be your guide, and my goal is to help you discover your purpose and create a dream business that supports you and your family.
I deeply believe that you have an immeasurable amount of value within yourself that God is urging you to share with the world.
When you don’t live your purpose, you feel drained, lost, and confused.
It wasn’t too long ago I was sitting in a cubicle, knowing I was meant for something more.
I knew I wanted to help people, especially women – but I didn’t know how! Whenever I took a career test at school, nothing ever really “spoke” to me (It turns out, I didn’t know my future career actually existed).
I knew I was made for big things, and sitting in a cubicle every day from 9 am – 6 pm wasn’t fulfilling what I hoped to do in this life.
You may be in that same season of life right now, and you know that feeling of monotonous dread. It feels like you're existing day-to-day, instead of truly LIVING.
After a bunch of management changes and tons of new policies implemented, I felt trapped. The tipping point for me taking action
was after a coworker got sick and passed away in his early 50’s. I thought, “If I don’t do something now – that could be me.”
He passed the day before my 28th birthday. The very next day, someone slammed into me while I was waiting at a stop sign. During the time I spent healing my injuries, I dusted off my business books from college, dove back into entrepreneurship, and studied everything I could to determine what I wanted to do. I took courses, hired a coach, and was ready for change.
My old daily commute. Getting stuck in traffic
was a daily occurrence.
I became a life coach and sold online courses about what I was passionate about at the time, which was aromatherapy, herbalism, and natural living (This had absolutely nothing to do with business, so don’t believe the myth that people only buy business courses). At the end of 2017, I went all-in and quit my 9-6 job.
I then grew my email list (to over 20,000 subscribers in just 3 months), developed courses, ran webinars, and even sold print-on-demand items. I knew I was doing something right when I made my first $1,000 in one night with my first evergreen $49 course.
My home-away-from-home for 6 years. We weren’t even allowed to decorate for holidays.
Imagine a life and business better than your dreams.
Join Fruitful Women in Business
"When I found Lindsey Johnson I knew this was a sign from God, after going through the her program I knew Lindsey could help me on my new career path. I used all the tools she gave me and now I am my own business woman.
I learned how to market my computer skills and now I help other women in the beauty business, hair salons and spas I update their websites and social pages, and working from home and making my own hours is the best thing I have done for myself."
Christine L.
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